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Project Management Project Management

At some point during a project, issues arise that need expeditious and insightful attention. And inevitably, most projects include situations that require a quick reaction and response, or they bring a risk that triggers the need for an alternative approach.

Marx|Okubo is adept at shifting gears and responding practically and swiftly to evolving project variables. With the structured foundation of the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) principles and the flexibility and experience to adapt to changing projects, we are well-prepared project management leaders.

Anticipating and adapting to shifting project issues and priorities.

Management of designers, architects, and engineers requires knowledge of their roles and a client’s boundaries for design, which may be physical, financial, or driven by entitlements and permitting. Marx|Okubo will work with the design team to manage scope, cost, and schedule—and considers all aspects affecting design.

By providing early risk analysis, Marx|Okubo strives to stay ahead of potential issues for our clients from an early stage of projects and programs. We provide expert counsel on design and constructability and will assist with development issues and planning. We also provide cost guidance—estimating, planning, and management—our goal is to help set budgets that reflect a realistic view of total cost and help to drive negotiation to maintain initial costs within those budgets.

Marx|Okubo reviews the overall project schedule in the early design phases and provides input to the owner on the proposed project duration. We also review the proposed contractor schedule and monitor it as it changes from baseline to monthly update, evaluating the potential impacts to project delivery. During construction, we monitor contractor performance and safety.

Key project management services:

  • Early risk analysis
  • Initial planning through programming, design, construction, and completion
  • Design team, contractor, and schedule management
  • Construction schedule review and monitoring
  • Cost management and planning
  • Cost estimating
  • Contractor performance monitoring

Project Examples